CMS Families, this is a message to let everyone know that there will be no more Saturday School for the rest of the school year. We appreciate you brining your students to Saturday School and hope they enjoyed it as well.
Familias de CMS, este es un mensaje para que todos sepan que no habrá más escuelas los sábados por el resto del año escolar. Apreciamos que haya traído a sus estudiantes a la Escuela de los Sábados y esperamos que ellos también la hayan disfrutado.

Meet Our Whole Child Team

Bryan Sanchez, Dean of Culture​ and Student Services

Bio Coming Soon

Jerry Frangas, Social Worker, Trabajador Social

Mi nombre es Jerry Frangas y soy el trabajador social de CMS. He estado casado con mi esposa Gregoria Tovanche Frangas durante treinta y un años y tenemos tres hijos que asistieron a DPS. Nuestros hijos crecieron en un hogar bicultural ya que mi esposa nació en un ranchito en Coahuila México y yo nací en Denver. Nuestros hijos ahora son adultos exitosos y creo firmemente que DPS les brindó una educación excepcional y de calidad. Mi prioridad es hacer todo lo posible para asegurarme de que los estudiantes de CMS tengan la misma oportunidad y apoyo que tuvieron mis hijos. Creo firmemente en la equidad y la inclusión, y quiero asegurarme de que todos los niños de DPS tengan acceso a los recursos y al desarrollo de habilidades que estoy capacitado para proporcionar. Es un honor y un privilegio trabajar para usted, sus hijos, Señor Bravo  y la Escuela Comunitaria de CMS.

My name is Jerry Frangas and I am the social worker at CMS. I have been married to my wife Gregoria Tovanche Frangas for thirty-one years and we have three children who attended DPS. Our children grew up in a bicultural household as my wife was born in a very small town in Coahuila Mexico and I was born in Denver. Our children are successful adults now, and I believe strongly that DPS gave them an exceptional, quality education. My priority is to do my very best to make sure that students at CMS have the same opportunity and support that my children did. I believe strongly in equity and inclusion, and want to make sure that all DPS children have access to the resources and skill building that I am trained to provide. It is an honor and privilege to work for you, your children, Mr. Bravo, and CMS Community School.       

Jessica Davis, School Psychologist, Psicóloga Escolar, Room/Salon 208

Ms. Jessica Davis


My name is Jessica Davis, or as some call me, the Crazy Red-Haired Lady! I am the School Psychologist for CMS, and although this is my first year at Denver Public Schools, I have been a Nationally Certified School Psychologist for two years. I am originally from Wyoming, right on the border of Nebraska. I am new to the Denver area, but so far, I love the city life! I completed my Bachelor’s in Psychology at Minot State University in North Dakota. I then continued on to get my Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology from the same school. In my free time, I enjoy playing my electric bass guitar, singing terrible karaoke, hanging out with my animals, and training for different types of marathons. I am so excited to be a part of this awesome CMS family!

Kate Millichamp, School Based Therapist, Denver Children’s Advocacy Center; Terapeuta Escolar, Centro de Defensa de los Niños de Denver; Room/Salon 209 E

Ms. Kate Millichamp

Kate Millichamp is the School-Based Therapist at CMS Community School. As part of the support services team at CMS, Kate offers mental health services for students and supports teachers and families. Kate also works with children, adults, and families that have experienced trauma as a Bilingual Child and Family Therapist at Denver Children’s Advocacy Center. Kate received her Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Texas and her Master of Social Work from la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Kate has previously worked as a teacher with preschool aged children, as well as a Family Service Worker in Head Start. In her free time, Kate enjoys rock climbing, gardening, dancing, and learning new things. Kate loves working with young children because she believes that early childhood is an extremely important time in life, and access to early intervention can be life changing.

Kate Millichamp es la Terapeuta Escolar de la escuela de CMS. Como terapeuta en la escuela, Kate proporciona servicios de salud mental a los estudiantes y ofrece apoyo a las familias y los maestros. Kate también trabaja para el Centro de Defensa de los Niños de Denver como terapeuta bilingüe de niños y familias donde ella trabaja con niños, adolescentes, adultos y familias que han experimentado trauma. Kate estudió Trabajo Social y completó sus estudios de pregrado en la Universidad de Texas. Ella recibió su Maestría en Trabajo Social de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Kate ha trabajado anteriormente como maestra de niños en edad preescolar, así como trabajadora de servicios familiares en Head Start. En su tiempo libre, a Kate le gusta escalar en roca, cuidar su huerto, bailar y aprender cosas nuevas. A Kate le encanta trabajar con niños porque cree que el periodo de la primera infancia es una etapa extremadamente importante en la vida, y el acceso a la intervención temprana puede cambiar la vida.