CMS Families, this is a message to let everyone know that there will be no more Saturday School for the rest of the school year. We appreciate you brining your students to Saturday School and hope they enjoyed it as well.
Familias de CMS, este es un mensaje para que todos sepan que no habrá más escuelas los sábados por el resto del año escolar. Apreciamos que haya traído a sus estudiantes a la Escuela de los Sábados y esperamos que ellos también la hayan disfrutado.

Mission, Vision and Values


CMS Community school aims to maintain the highest social and academic standards for all of our students. In doing so, it is essential that we become an integrated community working together toward a common goal. As a school that values bilingualism and multiculturalism, we are creating a place where each of our students can foster their native language while developing additional skills in a second language.


CMS is a collaborative community of creative, positive, compassionate learners who embrace challenges and are exemplary members of our global society. We respect each individual. We are committed to nurturing and encouraging. We accomplish this by maintaining high expectations for ourselves and others. We work as a team of students, staff, families and community members to create an environment that motivates us all to achieve our personal best.
