This Friday August 16th from 4 p.m to 6:00 p.m we will have a teacher meet and greet at CMS. This is a time to meet your child's teacher(s), meet other school staff, and have some fun before school starts. We would love to see all families here!
Este viernes 16 de agosto de 4 p.m. a 6:00 p. m. tendremos un encuentro y saludo en CMS. Este es un momento para conocer a los maestros de su hijo, conocer a otro personal de la escuela y divertirse antes de que comiencen las clases. ¡Nos encantaría ver a todas las familias aquí!

The LEADER Board

The leaders of today are the cultural symbols of their organization, the storytellers, the visionaries, the ones who carry the torch of victory into the future. The LEADERboard podcast leverages people’s wisdom and passions in order to explore alternative concepts, ideas, and philosophies that can transform what we know about learning, human development, justice, love, and community. Consequently, this is a space where leaders connect their life experiences with their vision for their work in order to impact positively the way our children learn. In this space, we are committed to celebrating the courageous lives of our school leaders, and anyone who knows that the most precious resource our planet will ever have is the heart and the mind of each child.